
My name is Ricardo Santos and I am, among other things, a Trampoline Coach, a Physical Education Teacher and a Fitness Instructor.

If you are still reading this, Trampoline Gymnastics and Sports in general must be a very important part of your life (as they are mine). For that, at some point, it made sense to create rscoach.com,  where I intend to share my ideas, questions and anything else that has to do with these issues as important to me and, hopefully, to YOU.

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Excelente ideia Ricardo.
    Criar um blog temático é uma boa ideia, melhor ainda, é criar um dedicado ao desporto.
    Vou ficar ‘cliente’ e aguardar pelas atualizações, sejam elas feitas em que parte do globo for.

    Liked by 1 person

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